There is a new technique scammers have come up with to con people called
The scammer sends you a real deposit of money into your wallet using his number.
This is not a fake deposit. He really sends you money a small amount like GH¢20.00 or GH¢30.00 and you wouldn't even doubt it.
After sending this money he then launches a withdrawal on your number.
When you receive the message on your phone that you have received some money, the natural thing is to be excited and then want to check your balance.
To check the balance you'll need to enter your Code Number.
The moment you do this, you will have validated his withdrawal request on your account.
Your account will automatically allow his withdrawal request and take out the money.
The trick is just to lure you with a small amount initially and steal from you.
To protect yourself from this scam, whenever you received such an unexpected deposit, to check your balance, first deliberately enter in a wrong Code Number.
This will cancel any withdrawal requests, then thereafter check your balance with your real Code Number.
With this new electronic money transfers and Artificial Intelligence coming in, let's do this all the time to avoid being fooled by these scammers, who are always coming up with new methods to try to steal from us.
Always share such information with family and colleagues to also make them aware and be alert.
Source: The Presidential Press
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